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时间:2020-12-23 16:46:46  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:2020, the epidemic has spawned new business formats

In 2020, swept by the new crown epidemic, the world economy has fallen into recession, society and people's livelihoods have suffered heavy losses, and all walks of life are facing unprecedented challenges. In the process of global anti-epidemic and epidemic prevention, new business formats continue to emerge, and opportunities and challenges go hand in hand.

The epidemic has inspired new technologies, new business formats, and new platforms such as artificial intelligence and smart cities to flourish. Online shopping, online education, telemedicine, and other "non-contact economies" have accelerated in an all-round way, providing a new path for economic development.

Actively respond and turn crises into opportunities. These emerging things under the epidemic demonstrate the vigorous vitality of mankind.

On February 17, a photojournalist took pictures of the mobile phones used by participants while attending an online conference at their home in Beijing. Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, home office and online meetings have become the "new normal" of work. (Photo by Lan Hongguang/Xinhua News)

On April 19, in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, members of the Chinese joint working group to Uzbekistan and doctors from Uzbekistan designated hospitals diagnosed and treated patients remotely. (Photo courtesy of the Joint Working Group of China to Uzbekistan/Xinhua News)

On September 6, Leung Weihong, Acting President of the Malaysian Inbound Tourism Association, browsed the website of the China International Trade in Services Fair in his office in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. In order to allow guests who were unable to attend the conference due to the impact of the COVID-19, and at the same time to expand their influence, the Service Trade Fair adopted a combination of online and offline methods. (Photo by Zhang Wenzong/Xinhua News )

On April 6, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, a trader from the tea broker Asia Siaka Commodities Company participated in an online tea auction at the company's office. With the spread of the epidemic, a curfew has been imposed throughout Sri Lanka on March 20, and any gatherings are prohibited. On March 31, the Colombo Tea Traders Association held an emergency meeting to announce the official launch of the electronic tea auction. For the first time in 126 years, the Colombo tea auction house has entered the electronic age from bargaining. (Photo by Tang Lu/Xinhua News)

On September 10, at SoftBank Robotics in Paris, France, the robot Pepper demonstrated the function of detecting whether people are wearing masks correctly. Pepper, the SoftBank robot, scans human faces through its own camera, detects whether the other party is wearing a mask, and gives polite reminders and instructions. (Photo by Aurelian Morisal/Xinhua News )

On November 16, an elderly man used the digital teaching robot "LIKU" to learn the skills of using smartphones at an elderly welfare cultural center in Yangcheon District, Seoul, South Korea. As part of the "Robot Popularization Project" of the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Seoul conducts contactless digital skills education for 3,000 elderly people, using robots and various other methods to improve the skills of the elderly in the use of digital devices. (Photo by Wang Jingqiang/Xinhua News)

On October 28, in Sejong City, South Korea, staff demonstrated an auxiliary delivery robot that can follow the movement of couriers. South Korea has launched a number of intelligent unmanned express delivery services, turning self-driving express vehicles into "mini mobile post offices", aiming to promote the innovative development of contactless express delivery services under the epidemic and help promote the construction of "smart cities." (Photo by Wang Jingqiang/Xinhua News)

This is a mobile phone with the COVID-19 tracking and location app installed in Brussels, Belgium, on September 30. On the same day, Belgium officially released a COVID-19 tracking and location application called "Coronalert", which will alert users when it detects that someone near the user is diagnosed with the new crown. (Photo by Zhang Cheng/Xinhua News)

On July 31, Guri and his wife were teaching online tango dancing in their apartment in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Juan Guri and his wife Natalia Fossati are both Argentine tango teachers. Affected by the epidemic, cultural and entertainment venues in Argentina were closed. They were unable to teach tango dance as usual, so they switched to online teaching through the Internet in their apartments.(Photo by Martin Sabala/Xinhua News)

On April 15th, in the West Bank city of Nablus, artist Sa’a opened an art online class at home through a live webcast. (Photo by Ayman Nubani/Xinhua News)

On September 16, in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, a "box of fresh" staff delivered food to customers. After the outbreak of the COVID-19, many Zimbabweans stayed away from crowded fresh food markets and supermarkets, fearing that they would be "successful" for shopping out. The "One Box of Fresh Food" app was launched during the epidemic, and after several months of operation, it has received widespread praise from consumers.(Photo by Tafala Muguala/Xinhua News)

On November 11, staff sorted goods at the Cainiao overseas warehouse in Guadalajara, Spain. This year, while the spread of the COVID-19 has not stopped, "Double Eleven" has led a new wave of online consumption in Spain. Spain is already an important overseas market for AliExpress, a cross-border retail e-commerce platform under Alibaba. (Photo by Meng Dingbo/Xinhua News)

On March 11th, the takeaway delivery staff were busy on the streets of Milan, Italy. Italy has entered the national "closed city" status from March 10th. Restaurants will not open for business during the "closed city" period and only provide takeaway services. For the catering industry, the impact of the COVID-19 is very obvious. Since the beginning of this year, the "takeaway economy" has risen against the trend, and many businesses that did not do takeaways have also begun to attach importance to takeaways.(Photo by Daniele Mascolo/Xinhua News)

On October 5, in Manila, Philippines, 5-year-old Grayson Lucas started online classes on the first day of school. In response to the COVID-19, the Philippines will teach online through online platforms after school starts. (Photo by Umali/Xinhua News)

On May 18, in Sydney, Australia, an elementary school student who was suspended from school browsed an online exhibition of a museum. Many Australian museums that have been closed due to the COVID-19 have launched various "cloud exhibitions" on their respective websites. (Photo by Bai Xuefei/Xinhua News )

On May 17, in Jakarta, Indonesia, people watched the live video of Ragunan Zoo on their mobile phones. Affected by the COVID-19, Ragunan Zoo held a live webcast after it was closed to tourists, allowing people to "cloud" visit the zoo. (Photo by Agong/Xinhua News )

On May 29, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, people watched a movie in a car cinema. (Photo by Gergo Jelavic/Xinhua News)

On September 5, members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra performed on the balcony of Breton Building in Wembley Park, London, England, bringing a wonderful performance to residents and visitors in the neighborhood. To maintain social distance, members of the orchestra play music for people outdoors in the form of small orchestras. (Photo by Rey Tang/Xinhua News)

On June 20th, at Qingdao Guoxin Stadium, players from Nanjing Tongxi Zhouguang Team and Zhejiang Guangsha Holding Team competed in the game. Fans cheered for the team through the big screen on the spot. Affected by the COVID-19, the 2020 Chinese Men's Basketball Professional League (CBA) after the rematch will be played in an empty court. (Photo by Li Ziheng/Xinhua News)

[责任编辑: 王培尧 ] 游戏网




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