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时间:2021-05-21 14:18:52  来源:  作者:网络转载

原标题:Discover “Salanmetgul’s Home”: a homestay echoing history in Kashgar

Interview with Salanmetgul, owner of “Salanmetgul’s Home”

There is a popular saying that “If you have not been to Kashgar City, then you have not been to Xinjiang”, which indicates Kashgar’s peculiar charisma and its importance in showcasing the traditional cultures of Xinjiang. Walking into the Ancient City of Kashgar, a popular tourist destination in Kashgar City, that is precisely what one will feel.

The Ancient City of Kashgar (Photo provided by A Date with China)

Among the different shops and attractions of the Ancient City of Kashgar, one place which catches people’s eyes is “Salanmetgul’s Home”, one of the most popular homestays in the scenic area. “Salanmetgul’s Home”, opened in 2017, is owned by a 31-year-old woman Salanmetgul, who was born and raised in Kashgar City.

Photo of Salanmetgul (Photo provided by A Date with China)

No one would fail noticing the authentic, traditional local culture on display at the homestay. Salanmetgul and the employees wear traditional local clothing, the architecture is decorated with woodcarving and glyptography, the furniture pieces are of local style, and there are also local snacks on the guest tables. The homestay has been a success from both business and aesthetic perspectives, as it introduces the beauty and uniqueness of local culture to its guests.

Architecture and Decorations at "Salanmetgul's Home" (Photo provided by A Date with China)

Architecture and Decorations at "Salanmetgul's Home" (Photo provided by A Date with China)

While both the homestay and the Ancient City are dynamic places that have made names for themselves and are attracting numerous visitors every year, things were not always like this. Before 2009, the Ancient City was quite a different place, where opening such a popular homestay would be out of the question.

Back then, Salanmetgul was a tour guide at the Ancient City before its renovations after studying tourism management. Recalling those days, Salanmetgul said, “The housing conditions were terrible. There was no sewage system, no running water, people burned coal which was dangerous, and the roads were in poor conditions.”

Starting from 2009, the local government began renovating the Ancient City and expanding the area. All the houses were rebuilt, the road conditions were improved, private bathrooms were installed, along with running water, electricity, and a sewage system. The old houses made out of clay and prone to rain leakage were replaced by buildings with brick walls. Residents now use natural gas instead of coal. “These changes didn’t take place all at once, but step by step, all of the Ancient City was renovated through the government’s efforts,” said Salanmetgul.

During the renovation process, the government offered different options for residents in the Ancient City neighborhoods. They could choose to let the government rebuild their homes without any cost, they could get subsidized to rebuild their homes themselves, or they could get replacement housing if they wanted to move out of the area.

Ultimately, these renovations transformed the once worn-out area into the landmark of Kashgar. Now the Ancient City attracts tourists both within and outside of China all year round. Its popularity gave birth to over 2,000 businesses in the area. “When I started my homestay in 2017, there were only around 50 businesses. Now, there are over 2,000, and the area is still expanding,” said Salanmetgul. Since houses in the Ancient City are two to three stories tall, many shop owners work on the first floor, and live on the second and third floors. “It is so convenient for the local people, as many can just work from their homes,” Salanmetgul said.

As one of the first business owners in the renovated Ancient City, Salanmetgul chose to open a homestay based on her business instinct. At the time, her family were extremely doubtful. “They thought I was crazy for investing so much money in renting this place,” she recalled. Nevertheless, they supported her decision in the end. Now, Salanmetgul is the mother of three children, and the owner of a successful business. “I knew I had it in me to do well, I knew it was going to be successful,” said Salanmetgul.

Architecture and Decorations at "Salanmetgul's Home" (Photo provided by A Date with China)

The Exterior of "Salanmetgul's Home" (Junye Zhang/Guangming Picture)

At present, “Salanmetgul’s Home” earns over 200,000 yuan each year, and its 15 employees earn between 2,000 to 4,000 yuan per month. Although business was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the local government helped struggling business owners by exempting rent for two to three months, and providing interest-free loans. “Salanmetgul’s Home” was one of the beneficiaries. Since March of this year, the homestay has been back on its feet.

With the immense success of her homestay, Salanmetgul plans to open new branches in the future. She even expressed the wish to start businesses in other parts of China, as it is her dream to go to different places of the country.

Salanmetgul’s success story is only one of many in the Ancient City of Kashgar. With their own hard work and the government’s support, local business owners like her are fulfilling their dreams and achieving better lives.游戏网




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